Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Not so snowed in.

Oh well it looks like today is day two in the beginning of cabin fever.  EEk I hope not, but just in case, we decided to venture out in the snow.  We, being me and my two roomates and their two boyfriends had been in our house stuck for all of thirteen hours when we decided we could not take it one more second.  Savannah and I decided if we were going to stuck in this home we were going to need beverages of choice to assist us in our boredom and old school freshman year card games.  Yep, we brought it back.

We knew for sure we would be okay as long as we just bundled up well.  The convenience store was only about a mile away and since we all of a sudden took form of beasts it was nothing.
We decided about 100 yards down the road that the problem was not the cold, we were tired.  We felt like we were walking through hip high water.  Gew it was horrible.  Then we thought, "How are we going to carry everything back?" Oh myyy, too late we couldn't show back up at the house empty handed.
When we made it out of the neighborhood and onto 33rd we seen them. . . "HELLLOOOOO FELLLOOOW WALKEERRRSSS," we yelled.  They waved back, too tired to speak lol.

 One of the nice gents was nice enough to rehydrate us as we continued our hike.  Thank the lawd for nice people! 

We eventually made it! After falling into a snow drift that was up to my waist and Savannah having to fish me out, but really only getting herself stuck worse and losing my debit card and id in the snow we were on our way back! Yessss the houuuussseeee I cannnn seeee ittttttt.  We made it inside and stripped down of our 9 layers of clothing.  We warmed up and enjoyed the rest of the night inside.  The beverages ended up being the perfect nyquil.  We were asleep by 11:00.  I hope everyone enjoyed their snow dayS as much as we have.

1 comment:

  1. k ive read this like 5 times.. so you need to blog some more. k byeeee
