Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Nighttime adventures of my 20 something years.

Okay so I know I must get better about this blogging business, I just don't have a specific theme to write about, and it's a bit new/weird puttin all my biznet out there... but here I go again :)

Okay so I here I am, some days blessed and some days cursed with the fact of being a girl, lady, mam, and miss.  I would only say it is a curse one out of about every 1,217 days, the other days it is full of fun and friends, at least for me and that is what I am writing about so it works out for this post.  I work and am a responsible young adult almost all day, usually six out of the seven days a week.  I do my homework, I volunteer, I am a manager at a retail store and I vote, I'd say I am a pretty outstanding citizen most of the time.  Every once in awhile though, a girl has to shake it up, and I happen to be good at that. 

My roommate is a waitress at 501 and happen to stumble upon someone who was invited to a hair and make up show downtown.  She smuggled her two roommates in with her and the night began.  The show was late so we decided to have a couple drinks while we waited.  We were outside when a boy came up going on about how he was Australian. Wamp, wamp, I thought.. typical line.  I replied back in my accent telling him I as well from Australia.  He was excited and ask me where at in Australia I was from.  Still thinking that he was a liar trying to get some attention I decided to be funny.. Australia City! Australia City?? Yes, the capitial of Australia!! I figured he would buy it hehe.  Turnnnnnsss out, that is nooot the capital of Australia?? and he indeed was a real life Australian.  License to prove it, of course I made him show me.  I'm not about to be punked by a want to be Australian!

So.... The night went on, us and our Australian loves :)
 ... Is this where I need to put the parental block thing on... BAhaha Just kiddin

Okay Okay, so the show started and we went back inside, the night was already a success.  Once you find two Australian cuties, THAT is when you know you have realllly made it, little did we know the night hadn't even started!

We went on down to another club bar thing downtown, I know I am not old by any means but I felt like I was the oldest person there. Yuck we had to be on our way, enough is enough.  We decided we would head on down to Western, a nice normal bar, full of somewhat normal people.. nothing too crazy right?...
Everything was going great, girls just having a good, fun, nice weathered night.  I however have two secret passions.  Australian men, and hot dogs at 2am with sauerkraut.  I am not your average lady, add onions please! I was standing in my peaceful line when a crazy fight started.  I just stood and watched surprised at first at everything that happening so quickly.  One short, ugly, punk kid that was most likely mad because he only stood 4'2'' was man handling a large amount of normal adult sized men.  Soon everyone was swinging in all directions.  The friendly middle aged man standing in line waiting for a hot dog was the next victim.  He was just standing minding his own business when the ugly small person hit him one time square in the face.  The man fell straight to the ground, the first thing to hit was his head.  The other boys continued to fight while asking in a screaming annoying tone... "WHO WANTS IT NEXT?? WHICH ONE OF YOU *BLEEPS* WANTS IT NOW?!?!.. eh I was so annoyed I yelled at him, "You hurt him!!!!" ... He didn't pay any attention at all to my screams.  When I looked down at my fellow hot dog hungry friend he was bleeding out of his mouth nose and what looked to be his eyes as well.  There was a puddle forming behind his head.  It was one of the scariest things I'd ever seen.  Not knowing what to do, I for some odd reason ran into the bar and got him a glass of water? I don't know I wasn't thinking clearly.. but someone else grabbed paper towels and I held his head until the police and ambulances got there.  He was an extremely nice guy and I just tried to keep him calm until people that knew what to do arrived.  Even though he was in a crazy amount of pain he continued to thank me over and over.  I wanted to find the short kid and beat him myself.  The EMT people assured me that he was going to be okay and just needed to be stitched up.  I still feel really bad for him, he was just standing there. GRR.  My shoes were ruined :( That ugly short guy owes me a pair!

After all of that, Ednas wouldn't even let me in to wash up because it was after 2am and they had already had issues.  I was disgusting, blood was all over my shoes and tights ehhh gross sorry I know.  They finally brought me antibacterial and rags outside for me to clean up with.  I do have some good news though.. I did receive a complimentary hot dog complete with sauerkraut and onions for my good work.  OOh what a night!

The rest of the night was a rap, we got lost on our way home, my roomie almost peed her pants, we stopped at a weird trashy gas stations where there were a lot of white girls dropping the n bomb everywhere and dressing like... maybe that's rude so I will just stop.  We finalllly made it home! We were in our beds happy roommates again..... Until the knock of an ex boyfriend was at the door?! What, wait, aren't normal people sleeping at this time.. yes, but does it seem, like me or either of my demented roomies date normal guys...sheesh come on that would be crazy.  So one short Jerry Springer show later the doors were locked again!!  Then it dawned on me... I won't get to have the crazy nights forever, so I will enjoy them to the fullest. :) 


  1. This story had everything! Action, romance, suprise twists and there is totally room for a sequel. I hope you got the Australian guy's number, or did you chase him away with 1 too many "Rescuers Down Under" jokes?

  2. biznet!? you looked pretty this morning : )

  3. I want to find an Australian man! (Well not really, I have a garden gnome, but look at you go!)

  4. Probably this should be a movie. Haha. Love the pictures! Although your shoes did make me sad.

  5. I totally thought Australia City was the capital of Australia too.

  6. All in a night in search of a good time you just never know what you will run into

  7. More Australian jokes please. Also, that picture at the bottom just scared me.

  8. This is hilarious, "he indeed was a real life Australian. License to prove it, of course I made him show me."
    Sorry the night didn't go very well, glad the guy ended up alive, and sorry about your shoes!

  9. The only thing better than an australian man is.......TWO australian men. BOOYAH

  10. Love the fact that you actually took a picture of the license. You crack me up.
